At Girls Write the World, our mission is to celebrate, affirm and project young, female voices. We recognize the act of writing as both a powerful political force and an invaluable therapeutic tool. Under our model, young women come together to study the work of inspirational female poets and participate in writing workshops to develop their own work. To date, our participants have created nearly 200 pieces of original poetry.
I knew
by Jentrice Driver
I knew who I was
When I realized my own strength
How my love was infinite
And knew no length
How I couldn’t fall
I would continue to rise
When life throws me a challenge
I take the challenge for a ride
Wanting to let it know
Who I was
Like I had to realize myself
Here I am/was
With minimum help


by Mekyra Smith
My shoulders and back strong
As if I carry the weight
Of the world on them
Just as my ancestors had
My hips and thighs wide
To carry the spiteful babes
Of a hateful society
Hateful of the very things that made them
My face smiling
To get through the hurt
And the horrendous happenings
From the past, present, and future
My mouth big
My voice loud
To give people around me the hope
And opportunities to speak what’s on their minds
My heart, soul, mind indestructible
My heart, soul, mind indestructible

Here I Am
by Jackie Driver
Here I stand in front of you
With these broken pieces in my hand
These pieces stand for all the times
You hurt me
Made me feel small
Made me feel like I wasn’t good enough
Made me feel like I was your toy
Made me feel like trash on the street
Made me feel like I was nothing
more than a fragile woman
Here I stand looking you dead in your eyes
Wanting you to feel the pain you put me through
Wanting you to regret the little thing
that you did to me
But I know that you won’t
So here I stand saying thank you
For all that you put me through
Because without you
I would have never found out how to love me
And celebrate me for the amazing woman I am
Thank you for all the
Times you made me feel
Like I wasn’t good enough
Because now I know
What good enough feels like
Now I know what it feels
Like to be big
So big that I can do anything
Here I am, loving me
For me
Living life like its golden
Here I am Here I am Here I am
Here I am